Saturday, October 3, 2009

Officially October!

Finally, it's here! VEGAN MOFO. Here's some more vegan cupcakes I made. These are the cookies n cream cupcakes from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World. They are by far my absolute favorite vegan dessert I have made so far. Enjoy!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


The tree in my backyard is turning orange, during my morning walk I hear crunch crunch with every step, I have already begun thinking of a halloween costume and this Saturday I'm going to my first pumpkin patch of the year! What else has to happen to know it's October!!??! Oh yea, VEGAN MOFO!!! Vegan Month of Food.

I have been quite the slacker as far as posting on here goes, but VEGAN MOFO has inspired me to start up again. I'll be posting some great vegan recipes with pics and just about anything that has to do with vegan food. so stay tuned... it's almost VEGANMOFO!

Here's some vegan cupcakes I made for my
boyfriend's birthday! They were delicious. I used the Chocolate Cupcakes recipe out of The Joy of Vegan Baking!